Swimming Koinobori
Oita Art Museum
ClientOita Prefectural Art Museum
LocationOita, Japan
DateJune - July 2018
Project leaderAdrien Gardère
CollaboratorJi Hyun Kim
PartnersReiko Sudo – Nuno Corporation
MultimediaSeiichi Saito - Rhizomatiks
AcousticSoftpad / Takehisa Mashimo
Photo creditNuno corporation
Taking inspiration from the traditional Japanese koinobori celebration, Reiko Sudo, one of Japan’s preeminent textile designers, and Adrien Gardère created a set of unique installations made of contemporary koinobori (carp streamers) swimming in the air.
The first installation — Koï Current — was created the first time for the Japan Festival at the John F. Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. in 2008. Koï Current was created at Musée Guimet in Paris in 2014. In 2018, after the unprecedented scale installation of Koinobori Now! at the National Art Center, Tokyo; Reiko Sudo and Adrien Gardère created Swimming Koinobori — a twirling version of the installation — for the Oita Prefectural Art Museum.
As for Koinobori Now! in Tokyo, Sudo and Gardère invited Seiichi Saito of Rhizomatiks for the digital design and Takuya Minami of Softpad for the sound system.

ClientOita Prefectural Art Museum
LocationOita, Japan
DateJune - July 2018
Project leaderAdrien Gardère
CollaboratorJi Hyun Kim
PartnersReiko Sudo – Nuno Corporation
MultimediaSeiichi Saito - Rhizomatiks
AcousticSoftpad / Takehisa Mashimo
Photo creditNuno corporation